Display GitHub Repositories with SvelteKit

  • svelte
  • github
  • repositories
  • api
Jan 4, 2023
Use the GitHub API to display repositories on your portfolio page.

GitHub API

GitHub provides an API that allows you to easily pull information about your repositories without an API key.

You can pull the public information from GitHub with the following urls. These three serve as quick examples of what is possible. Click the link below to see the data for my GitHub account, or switch out my username with yours to see your information. The .../repos page serves as a useful reference to see all the different data we can get from the API.



First we can create a loader to fetch the data from the API. If you haven’t used Svelte or SvelteKit before, the best place to learn more is the official tutorial.

Fetch the data on the server

We can use +page.server.js to load data on the server before rendering the page. This is a good place to make our fetch request to the GitHub API.

Repository data points

As you probably noticed above when clicking the link, GitHub provides a vast amount of data we can read on our page. Here are a few basic data points that I chose to use.

  • name: name of the repository
  • full_name: name with username in front (we can use this to link to the repository page)
  • homepage: click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of a repository, this is the Website field – this is a link to the live page of your website if you have one for your repository
  • description: located in the same location as the homepage – a brief description of your project
  • html_url: link to the GitHub repository itself
// +page.server.js

export async function load({ fetch }) {
	const res = await fetch("https://api.github.com/users/rossrobino/repos");
	const repos = await res.json();
	// sort by pushed_at date, most recent first
	repos.sort((a, b) => new Date(b.pushed_at) - new Date(a.pushed_at));

	return { repos };


We can now access this data in +page.svelte contained in the same directory with the data prop and use an {#each} block to iterate through the list.

<!-- +page.svelte -->

	let { data } = $props();

	<!-- iterate through each repo in the data.repos list -->
	{#each data.repos as repo}
				<a href={repo.homepage}>
			{#if repo.description}
				<a href={repo.html_url}>


That’s all you need to server side render a list of GitHub repos to a page with SvelteKit. You can continue and add some styles or different data points you find interesting. Check out my component styled with tailwindcss on my portfolio page. Thank you for reading!
